Conceptual article
After customers began using TraceLink’s new platform, many questions arose from both external users and internal Services employees about several new concepts. Technical Communications decided to write a conceptual article to address these questions.
The audience for this article is current TraceLink users who understand the basics of TraceLink’s multienterprise B2B network but are new to the Opus Platform and do not understand the idea of having multiple networks for a single app or solutions in addition to apps.
I worked with R&D SMEs to ensure everything I wrote was accurate, and then worked with Services SMEs to ensure I was answering their questions in a straightforward manner without providing too much technical detail. I also worked with a UX designer to develop helpful visuals that emphasized the content to improve scanability and aid visual learners.
After publication, we received multiple pieces of positive feedback from the Services employees, and Services began providing the direct URL for the article to customers who were asking these types of questions. The success of this article led to Technical Communications adding multiple other conceptual articles to our backlog.
Project management, conceptual writing, iterating based on widely varied feedback, working within regulated industries, writing for B2B audiences
MadCap Flare, Confluence, Jira, Adobe XD, enterprise software